
Elementary Curriculum

Students in grades K-5 engage in a rigorous, well-rounded program of study that includes full integration of the visual and performing arts. We offer Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) programs for Spanish and Cape Verdean Creole speaking students at each grade level.


Focus on K-2 curriculum in all of our K2 classrooms

Focus on K2 is a comprehensive, integrated approach for kindergarten that combines the most current research on teaching and learning with attention to high standards for achievement. Focus engages children’s creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and communication.

Literacy Collaborative approach from K-5

The Literacy Collaborative model is student centered and provides many opportunities for authentic reading and writing, as well as focused work on the essential elements of phonics, word study, and oral language development. See more at the Literacy Collaborative web site.

Math curriculum

A curriculum aligned with the Common Core and designed to develop conceptual understanding of mathematical thinking in every student.

Visual and Performing Arts

Course offerings at every grade level in the visual and performing arts.
