Faculty & Staff

The success of our school is due in large part to our dedicated faculty and staff.


Lauren Murdock, Principal- [email protected]

Tamesha Webb, Assistant Principal and Elementary School Director- [email protected]

Doris Venditti, Middle School Director- [email protected]

Loredana Da Graça, Director of Language and Literacy, ESL Specialist- [email protected]

Chelsea O’Neil, ABA Strand Specialist- [email protected]

Emily Lynch, ABA Strand Specialist- [email protected]

Emily Bekenstein, Director of Operations- [email protected]

Cynthia Williams, School Secretary- [email protected]

Katy Kleindienst, Special Ed and Student Services Coordinator- [email protected]

Ines Catala, Student Support (Grades K-2)- [email protected]

Iliana Lima, Social Worker (Grades K-2)- [email protected]

Tim Mulvehill, Dean of Students (Grades K-4)- [email protected]

Alex Piering, Social Worker (Grades 3-5)- [email protected]

Felicia Pasley, Dean of Students (Grades 5-8)- [email protected]

Hannah Smith, School Counselor- [email protected]

Charles Armstrong-Hicks, Social Worker (Grades 6-8)- [email protected]

Melissa Pires, Family Liaison (K-5)- [email protected]

Nikki Spivey, Family Liaison (6-8)- [email protected]

Tatiana Barros , Nurse- [email protected]

Sue Burchill, Nurse- [email protected]

Giselle Castillo-Tejada, Cafeteria Manager- [email protected] 

Meghan Harrington, Transformation Coach- [email protected]

Belzie Mont-Louis, Transformation Coach- [email protected]


Margo Conley, Home for Little Wonderers Clinician- [email protected]

Russ Lamberti, Boys and Girls Club – Director- [email protected]

Karl Koch, City Sprouts – Garden Coordinator- [email protected]

Elementary (Lower) School Staff

Paige Spence, K1 Teacher- [email protected] 

Yenny Diaz, K1 Paraprofessional- [email protected] 

Lisa Resende, K1 Teacher- [email protected] 

Nikiema Marshall, K1 Paraprofessional- [email protected] 

Alissa Johnson, K0/K1 ABA Teacher- [email protected] 

Zoraida Roche, Paraprofessional- [email protected] 

Katty Mendoza, Paraprofessional- [email protected]

Amanda Gray, K1/K2 ABA Teacher- [email protected] 

Ines Perez, Paraprofessional- [email protected] 

Mirna Da Moura, Paraprofessional- [email protected] 

Janice Brown, K2 Teacher- [email protected]  

Marlene Pontes, K2 Paraprofessional- [email protected] 

Bebhinn O’Connell, K2 Teacher- [email protected] 

Veronica Vargas, K2 Paraprofessional- [email protected] 

Luciete Tavares, K2 Teacher- [email protected] 

Danielle Ullian, K2 Paraprofessional- [email protected] 

Lauren Ames, K2 ABA Teacher- [email protected] 

Joselina Guardado, Paraprofessoinal- [email protected]

Caitlin Harnois, Paraprofessional- [email protected]

Darcy Randall, K2/1/2 ABA Teacher- [email protected] 

Sharon Williams, Paraprofessional- [email protected] 

Marie Dominique, Paraprofessional- [email protected] 

Sadida Harris, 1st Grade Teacher- [email protected] 

Krissy Vilagie, 1st Grade Teacher- [email protected] 

Zelda Barbosa, 1st Grade Paraprofessional- [email protected]

Viergeline Felix Ibia, 1st Grade Teacher- [email protected]

Khari Rigueur, 2nd Grade Teacher- [email protected]

Tawana Mack, 2nd Grade Teacher- [email protected] 

Bridget McGrath, 2nd Grade Teacher- [email protected] 

Maddie Morley, 2nd Grade Teacher- [email protected]

Ailton Monteiro, 2nd Grade Paraprofessional- [email protected]

Allison Minchoff, 1/2 ABA Teacher- [email protected]

Kathleen Lanzilla, Paraprofessional- [email protected]

Megan Struckel, Math Resource Teacher- [email protected] 

Michelle Greene, ELA Resource Teacher- [email protected]

Amy Carr, Literacy Specialist- [email protected] 

Kevin Casey, Literacy Specialist- [email protected]

Natasha Sheehy, ESL Teacher- [email protected]

Nicole Koval, 3/4/5 ABA Teacher- [email protected]

John Waite, Paraprofessional- [email protected] 

Arthur Thomas, Paraprofessional- [email protected] 

Jamal Jackson, Paraprofessional- [email protected]

Chrissy Tavoularis, 3rd Grade Teacher- [email protected]

Evelyn Gonzalez, 3rd Grade Teacher- [email protected]

Heather King, 3rd Grade Teacher- [email protected]

Risa Hoffman, 3rd Grade Teacher- [email protected]

Ester Benros, SLIFE Teacher- [email protected]

Becky Quinn, ESL Teacher- [email protected]

Aleks Ojdrovic, 4th Grade Teacher- [email protected]

Sarah Allen, 4th Grade Teacher- [email protected]

Caroline Kiddie, 4th Grade Teacher- [email protected]

Ally Little, 4th Grade Teacher- [email protected]

Leanne Darbouze, ESL Teacher- [email protected]

Percy Watson, Science (Grades 3-5)- [email protected]

Middle (Upper) School Staff

Olivia Coakley, 5th Grade Teacher - ELA- [email protected]

Ryan Hamblett, 5th Grade Teacher – Math- [email protected] 

Zoe Rogers, 5th Grade Teacher – ELA- [email protected] 

Kamakey Hayle, 5th Grade Teacher – Math- [email protected] 

Alex King, 6th Grade Math Teacher- [email protected] 

Emma Kurth, 6th Grade ELA Teacher- [email protected] 

Jackie Mulvehill, 6th Grade Humanities Teacher- [email protected] 

Samantha Copeland , 6th Grade Science Teacher- [email protected] 

Dan Rosenfeld, 6th Grade Math Teacher/Resource Teacher- [email protected]

Paula Tineo, 6th Grade ESL Teacher/Resource Teacher- [email protected]

Irina Uk, 7th Grade Math Teacher- [email protected] 

Katie Crowley, 7th Grade Science Teacher- [email protected] 

Sarah Moller, 7th Grade ELA Teacher- [email protected] 

Carmen Morales, 7th Grade Math Teacher/Resource Teacher- [email protected] 

Barbara Keller , 6th-8th Grade ELA/ESL Teacher- [email protected] 

Jannelle Boren , 8th Grade Math Teacher- [email protected] 

Jose Guzman, 8th Grade Humanities Teacher- [email protected] 

Katrina Fruend , 8th Grade ELA Teacher- [email protected] 

Cassie Finley, 8th Grade Math Teacher/Resource Teacher- [email protected]

Joclyn Belanger, 8th Grade Science Teacher- [email protected]

Megan Fierimonte, 7th/8th ESL Teacher- [email protected] 

Kim Spanier, ELA Resource Teacher- [email protected]

Rebecca Williams, 6/7/8 ABA Teacher- [email protected]

Maureen Hassan, Paraprofessional- [email protected]

Stallone Mujuru, Paraprofessional- [email protected]

Carlos Pacheco, Paraprofessional- [email protected] 


Ben Boyd, Art Teacher- [email protected] 

Bob Bard, Art Teacher- [email protected] 

Ryan Hannus, Art Teacher- [email protected]

Jason Jordan, Dance Teacher- [email protected] 

Brendan Hogan, Piano/Chorus Teacher- [email protected] 

Manny Garcia, Physical Education Teacher- [email protected]

Shawn Nadeau, Physical Education Teacher [email protected] 

Talia Brown, Theatre Teacher- [email protected] 

Joy Roster, Band/Music Teacher- [email protected] 

Keith Sanders, Strings/Music Teacher- [email protected] 

Erica Pastor, Librarian- [email protected]

Monica Moran, Theatre/Dance Teacher- [email protected] 

Alissa Randall, School Psychologist- [email protected] 

Melinda Kennedy, Speech and Language Pathologist- [email protected] 

Anastacia DelFino, Speech and Language Pathologist- [email protected]

Astrid Esquelin, Bilingual Speech-Language Pathologist- [email protected]

Alicia Seaver, Occupational Therapist- [email protected] 

Katherine Hass, Occupational Therapist- [email protected] 

Christina An, Occupational Therapist- [email protected]

Nozomi Yamasaki, Occupational Therapist- [email protected]

Kaila Ryan, Physical Therapist- [email protected]